So my new Sundays are wonderful and awesome. For at least two hours I get to read Scripture, write, pray, meditate, worship God with all I got, sing and hear music and just be absolutely devoted to Him and sense an absolute transformation in so much.
A buddy of mine just stopped attending his church to start a new one and when I told him how awesome my experience was, he echoed his joy. In fact, I’ve been blessed to be somewhat a part of his fellowship and hope I might be able to continue to be blessed by their unique body. Fellowship is so key to our Christian walk, from just simple interaction, to praying for one another, to holding one another accountable and hearing others’ take on God’s Word.
I wonder if we’ve made fellowship more of a reason to go to Sunday mornings than worshipping God? Certainly we make music, a particular pastor and other aspects idols, but maybe we make fellowship that as well. I mean, folks chit chat and hang out so often while in the service time attention is trying to be drawn towards God.
It’s kinda cool because for the first time since I can remember I actually am looking forward to Sunday mornings, aside from those Sundays when I had the privilege of preaching. I know I made an idol out of it and Timothy Keller’s Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope that Matters
really convicted me of that in October, another source God used to bring me to the place I am today.
So much hope & joy in that.