Wait for it … wait for it …
And that is some people’s perspective of life on earth. Period. It’s not about hope now in the least. It’s about the expectation of evil so we can get closer to eternity when we will be with Jesus without the junk of the world.
Don’t get me wrong, the ultimate hope is Jesus’ return and the promise that we will be with him in holy,
perfect eternity; the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God. But can’t we have hope that God will involve Himself in the Kingdom already but not yet? The Kingdom of God has begun. It is here, though not in its full – it still has sin impinging on it.
So with that said, I have a terribly difficult time with a Christian worldview that focuses on the evil of the world while the only hope brought to light is eternity. I delight in our privilege, joy, opportunity and responsibility of being co-creators with God, focusing on hope hope both here and now . Can’t we hope that God will impact someone’s illness? Can’t we pray and hope that God will pass a law? I mean, if our only perspective is hope eternal and not God’s involvement now, then why pray? Why be joyful in the least?
I’m sure those over 55 find it a whole lot easier to focus on eternal hope as the only hope God can give – they are close to eternity. That wisdom is to be heeded, but folks under 40 really don’t want to sit around and wait for the end of time. Boomers and older generations have seen a dramatic shift in the morals and values of America. And they focus on that. Granted, tragedy exists; horrific, unimaginable tragedy that rears Satan’s power and hand as the prince of this world. Europe tends to set the tone of immorality and Americans often follow. But are we just to say, “It’s inevitable”? Or are we to recognize and emphasize the reality that, “Jesus is Lord and can perform miracles”? In hearts. In minds. In redemption of lives. In sick – mentally and physically. In relationships. In families. And more.
Recognizing sin is necessary (and easy to do), but if we aren’t focusing more on the hope of Christ, both eternal and now, it’s only going to get worse quicker and we will impede on God’s longing to bring all people to Himself (John. 12:32).
To sit and listen week after week to people rail on everyting that exists and toss a, “but we have hope when you die,” isn’t for me. Whether in a small group, at work, in your home, in your church or on the news, this pejorative perspective isn’t only futile, but it hinders the gospel’s impact in hearts today. The gospel is: we are more sinful than we ever dared imagine; and we are more loved than we could ever dare hope (thank you Tim Keller).
That is hope. Eternal. And today. And that needs to be our focus.