There’s an urgency in the Church. While many were saying this in weeks leading up to the day that was not the end of the world, there’s a certain urgency to our church. Folks need to hear about Jesus so they can be saved, hope needs to be delivered to folks in an often oppressive state for so many, and we need revival for folks who are so lukewarm. But there’s also an urgency in my own church personally and I’m burdened by it.

All I can say is that I want God’s Spirit to rain down.  Pour down.  And light us on fire for all things that are Him.  When I pray, I am moved to these requests to God.  And following these requests I am stilled.  There’s tears, a calm, a listening spirit and a pause I can neither explain nor press through.  In part, I’m quenched.  To another degree, I’m stirred to be a leader who not only ushers folks to the foot of God’s throne, but one who provides opportunities for the urgency to be acted on by others.  Am I leading in a way that motivates?  Am I contagious in my zeal?  Is folks’ lack of urgency in part my fault?  I’m burdened by this.  While I’ve needed to take a back seat for a season, I sense the need to live churgently.

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